Thursday 20 December 2012

The Place We Live

Just came back from my vacation with a smile in my head and a feeling that all is good in this world.I open my facebook and switch on my bbm to be to be sent crashing down into reality.I had been out of touch with the social media for the last week and opened it find it bursting with news of about the Delhi Gangrape Case.It is sickening and scary to find out that the country I know and love can treat their women with such disrespect.I am fiercely independent and strongly believe in the equality of women.I had deluded myself for the past few years thinking about the progress India was making in the upliftment of women's rights.Now,I am thinking twice about even travelling by public transport.Is this the way the women who give birth to the new generation are supposed to be treated?Are we supposed to look around every time we step out of the house?I don't even have words for how upset and angry I feel.It's been running around my mind ever since I came back.I sincerely hope we can do something about our society.

Some forums I have joined.I hope you do too.
Candlelight Vigil in Delhi
If you're from Kolkata,please be at the candle march on 22nd December from Esplanade( Infront of KC Das) to Rabindra Sadan Metro at 5pm.

Image Courtesy:,


  1. It isn't only disgusting & inhuman, but damn scary & frustrating too!! What's the world coming to? What's the human race coming to???Is there any solution to this issue....other than people realising within themselves that they have rise above everything else & be good human beings? Maybe it would have been much better if the Mayans turned out to be right......much much better that way...

  2. In a twisted sort of really is a metaphorical apocalypse isn;t it?

  3. Its indeed very sad and frustrating.. so many voices... but again you find the same thing happening even before these voices die... Like Anupriya said there is no other solution than people realising or educating ourselves.. Mother's should stop keeping their son's on pedestals... and treat them like humans from the very beginning.. it's an irony that a woman is only another woman's destroyer.. the rapists mother would still be on his side defending him whereas she should be the one beheading him!

    1. I agree...much like sheila dikshit..the so called cm....she's made some really silly comments...even though she should be on the forefront.

  4. The whole country is Outraged !! Its not the time to keep still, this anger should not die ! I too have just come back from the peaceful march,let's hope in anticipation of Justice.
    Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog earlier !
    P.S –If u have time hop over to my blog and check my new post !

    1. Lets hope our voices make some difference no matter how small.
      You have a great blog surbhi!Following you on bloglovin and gfc!

  5. Oh yea... I read about that... it is really scary to think that somehting like that happens these days...


    1. I know.It seems like something you would think could never happen to you.

  6. oh wow! I hadn't heard of this case. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! You know what? You should join and join as a member! I am part of the committee, and we are always looking for bloggers to join us and help raise awareness in the blogger community and beyond! Feel free to comment on the blog or on my blog, or even email me at _______ _____ and let me know if you want to join! We have badges for your blog and everything!

    God bless,

  7. Oh, I would also like to invite you to come visit my blog and enter my international giveaway! it's my first giveaway and is celebrating the 1 year of my blog as well as Christmas! It is super cute and has hello kitty, jewelry, art and inspirational gifts! :D I look forward to your visit! Here is the link:

    Merry Christmas& happy birthday Jesus,

  8. Replies
    1. Its not a problem at all! You can comment as much as you want! :p
      Entered your giveaway!Hope I win!

  9. I just read about it in the news too, and I really feel enraged about this too. I wish I could help! But I hope all is fine and do stay safe too!

    Kisses from Singapore
    ♡ Jaslin from

    1. Thanks a lot for your wishes!Hopefully the situation will improve with all the effort that is on.

